Welcome to Part 3– Implement, in our Consistency is Key series. Your plan is ready and its time to put it to work! A few key items to remember to assure your house is in order:
Make all website changes beforehand. Make a great first impression to new visitors.
Pull your website and SEO stats the day before you begin your new marketing program. For comparison purposes later on.
Brief staff and anyone else on the receiving end of your promotions. Review details and scripted responses to assure everyone completely understands their role. It is not uncommon that "boots on the ground" have not been informed about the new marketing campaign running from leadership.
Make certain there are built-in means of sourcing your leads and new business. (BIG HINT: Digital advertising makes this a breeze with thorough reports). Ask your agency for assistance here.
Set check-in appointments with your agency and applicable vendor reps. and keep the appointments. Together determine the timeframe between these appointments. You can count on tweaking digital programs the first few months.
Confirm pixel placements. Double check these.
Breathe easy, knowing that the hardest part of this process is behind you and look forward to reaping the benefits. Stay tuned for the fourth step in the series: Monitor, headed your way soon.
I have outlined five simple steps below that will help keep you on track. Each subsequent newsletter will highlight each aspect.
Monitor - up next!
Hire a competent agency that will keep you on task with a plan targeted toward YOUR customer! And remember that marketing with momentum generates optimal results when you are consistent. Commit to 12 months of consistent marketing using the above and you will be well on your way!